Seated Staff Pose (Dandasana)

This seated pose teaches us how to keep our feet active, even when we are not standing on them.

Begin by sitting tall. You may need to place a blanket (or 2!) underneath your sitting bones to life the hips. Lifting the hips allow the spine to rise with ease out of the pelvis.

Place the arms at your side. Extend your legs straight in front of you with your knees soft - not locked. The toes should point upwards, towards the sky.

(NOTE: You may choose to sit facing a wall and press the feet into the wall to cultivate a feeling of standing for the first round of this pose)

Flex your feet, spread the toes and draw the toes towards the torso. Feel the arch lift and the leg begin to activate.

Press through the big toe mound and inner heal. Feel the knees lift as the legs become more active. IMG_20150807_093741602_HDR.jpg

Spread the heels away from each other slightly, allowing the center of the heal to line up with the second toe. You will feel the outer hip engage and the feet will become more parallel to each other.

Breath here for several breaths, feeling the work of the feet in this seated staff pose.